FCI - First Communications Inc.
FCI stands for First Communications Inc.
Here you will find, what does FCI stand for in Telecommunications under Communications category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate First Communications Inc.? First Communications Inc. can be abbreviated as FCI What does FCI stand for? FCI stands for First Communications Inc.. What does First Communications Inc. mean?First Communications Inc. is an expansion of FCI
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Alternative definitions of FCI
- Fondo de Compensación Interterritorial
- Foreign Counterintelligence
- Functional Configuration Identification
- Fujisankei Communications International
- Functional Capacity Index
- Flight Control Integration
- Freshman Computer Initiative
- Fieldcrest Cannon International
View 154 other definitions of FCI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FCRE Fairlead Commercial Real Estate
- FCB Farmers Citizens Bank
- FDN Farm and Dairy Newspaper
- FCRESL First Class Real Estate Services LLC
- FPI Formula Plastics Inc
- FPCGI First Physicians Capital Group Inc
- FNBW First National Bank of Wyoming
- FPA Faith Preschool Academy
- FVIGW Fox Valley Institute for Growth and Wellness
- FLARAO Friends for Life Animal Rescue and Adoption Organization
- FVSO Fox Valley Symphony Orchestra
- FHS The Filson Historical Society
- FBI F Bar India
- FMAMI First Metro Asset Management Inc.
- FSCC Four Seasons Country Club
- FFV Frank Family Vineyards
- FSSC Florida Southwestern State College
- FCHH Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity
- FGS Franchise Growth Systems
- FCV First Class Valet